Developer setup
Install VSCode, NodeJS 16, mongoDB and RabbitMQ
Install gulp and typescript globally npm i gulp typescript browserify tsify -g
Clone this repo into a folder, in a shell type git clone
go to the folder with openflow cd openflow
install packages for openflow api/web npm i
Now open in VS code code .
at the top level create a folder called config and inside create a file called .env ( notice it starting with a dot) and add this content to the file
Next you need to allow powershell scripts to run, i don’t know what is the recommended setting, i normally just go with bypass Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Force
Now you can run this by going to run ( Ctrl+Shit+D) and selecting OpenFlow in the dropdown box and press play button. This will serve an empty webpage, so we need to build the stylesheets and copy the compiled files to the dist folder, so go to the Terminal tab and add a new shell, then type npm run sass
Lastly we can bundle and minify the asserts to the dist folder, by typing gulp watch
You can now access openflow web on
Building docker image
From version 1.5 the docker images is now using build images, so simply run
npm run compose
to compile an image with :version and :edge tag This will also try to publish to docker hub, if you don’t have an account, just ignore the error To compile with :latest and :version tag use
npm run latest`
For further help or education reach out on the forum, or contact OpenIAP for a consulting