The providers page is where you decide how users can access the site and NodeRED.
Right now OpenFlow supports 3 ways of signing in
Local login
Used for signing in using a username and password from the local users collection. Generally this is less secure than using a federated partner that supports tighter control, like 2 factor authentication. User without a password cannot sign in, root cannot sign in using local.
WS-Federation, often used in conjunction with SAML tokens, is a well know and secure way of handling authentication and authorization. Office365, Microsoft ADFS, Auth0, Salesforce to just name a few
OAuth 2.0
OAuth is a widely used authentication protocol, but for many years venders could decide on a specific standard there fore you will find most providers have slightly different implementations. OpenFlow’s implementation have been tested against Microsoft Azure AD and Google Suit/GoogleID others may work as well.
OpenID Connect
OpenID connect is considered the “next thing” after OAuth. OpenFlow’s implementation have been tested against Azure AD, other may work as well.